Sunday, June 14, 2015

Team Training Day 2 ~ The Adventure Continues

Ok, I'm going to be honest. Today wasn't much different than yesterday as far as activities go. There was another obstacle course and we each took turns taking different dogs through it.

What was different was everyone's confidence level. It's only day 2 but we are already seeing improvement. What do I mean by that? Simply put, now that everyone is getting a little more comfortable, they are finding it easier to try new things (some which have better results than others).

 This method of trial and error can be frustrating at times but has overall yielded positive outcomes. Nicholas stated the exasperation we were all feeling when he said with his head lowered in his Charlie Brown-esque manor "This just isn't gonna get
 any easier."

He quickly found just like the rest of us that a happy pup makes a smoother experience (and often times lots of kisses!) Overall this was a very productive (and rather photogenic) day!

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